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Our speaking and workshop expertise is designed to help leaders create context and urgency for their strategic change and alignment initiatives.

Our presentations are designed for:

  • Internal company executive sessions, board meetings, or town hall meetings
  • Multi-company conference, event keynotes, and workshops
  • Executive team gatherings where a highly interactive, intimate environment is needed to help deal with strategic issues

The following presentations are available as 45-60 minute keynote presentations as well as 2-4 hour workshops:

When Going As Fast As You Can Isn’t Fast Enough

Working hard is no longer the distinguishing factor for winning in the market, it’s now table stakes. Develop your team to think and act differently, stop specializing in what was once successful, and to change your company’s orientation from “Make and Sell” to “Sense and Respond”. A great kickoff for an executive team’s strategic planning efforts.

Relevance: Do You Matter?

Designed to help organizations understand how to answer the question: “Why are we the best choice among all alternatives our customers have?” Especially useful for companies facing mature markets and whose offerings are commoditizing.

Culture As a Competitive Advantage

Far too many companies under leverage their culture and never gain the advantage of showcasing their culture for competitive advantage. You can’t not have a culture. It’s a question as to whether it is a collection of disparate behaviors and perceptions or an intentionally designed culture that enhances the speed of your strategy.

How to Use Customer Experience to Accelerate Your Strategy.

It’s no longer a question as to whether you should have an engaging customer experience, it’s a question of whether it distinguishes or destroys your value in the market.


On behalf of the Financial Services Policy Committee of the Federal Reserve, thank you for leading our session last week. Your ideas on strategic planning, communication and employee engagement were particularly meaningful and very helpful.

Gary Stern, Former President; Federal Reserve Bank of Minnesota

I was so moved by the power of your presentation that I felt it imperative to drop you a note. It was incredible to witness how you captivated the hearts and minds of over 400 of the top leaders in the banking industry with your style, energy and strategic message.

Kevin Hartley, Chief Innovation Officer, Keurig Green Mountain

Thank you for speaking at our recent Conference Board meeting. Your presentation was ranked the highest by the attendees and clearly hit the mark. 

Abby Moskow, Program Director, The Conference Board, New York

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